Development News

Error fix for MonoCMS22-20230906

File: pagepost.php
Error: Undefined index error caused by searching for a non existent name in the $_POST array.

You can change the file containing the error, by opening pagepost.php in a text editor.
On line 79, instead of $p['path'], should be $p['catalogue'].

To be fixed in the next version.

MonoCMS 2.2 - Page path & advanced settings

Another big update gives the ability to choose a path for a page.

Other updates include

- A new 'advanced settings' control panel page.
- A new path.php page to replace some of the pagep.php funcionality and, finally, completely separate the core of the cms from the rest.

- A fix in pages.php causing a miscalculation in array iteration and messing with the results per page.
- Page results navigation is improved.
- Multiple new options, like setting a limit to posts results or a custom home page for the control panel.
- A few design changes.

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Accounts fix

Small fix for owner account not being able to change username when no other account exists. Also first login will make the user an owner.

2.1 version

2.1 is the biggest update since 2021.

  • New option is added in 'Pages'. Pages can now be marked as 'unpublished' and the system will remove the page
  • menu items order changed. 'All pages' is followed by 'Accounts', followed by 'Settings' and 'Images'|'Plugins'
  • accounts follow more strict rules. Owner's account can only be edited by the owner now
  • sorting results in posts and pages is updated. The values are saved in the user's account and in the session
  • the date format inside some xml files is now php date format, instead of custom. Old xml file will still be compatible.
  • small errors fixed
  • a few design changes.